How Avantera decreased their response time from 75 minutes to 12 minutes

While improving customer satisfaction scores and giving the founders hours back

AvanteraTM is an Austin based health and wellness company.

Founded in 2019, their purpose is to help people live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives by improving what they put into their body.

Avantera started as a team of three: Chase Novak (Co-founder), Casey Husband (Co-founder), and 1 marketing hire.

Once the business took off, customer service tickets increased. After taking care of the operations required to run a fast growing company, Chase would sit down every evening to answer customer tickets. For hours. It was tough, taking over his weekend, and just not a good use of his time.

Chase, co-founder and COO of Avantera, turned to GrowthAssistant for support. And we delivered.

Starting with just one, they now have three Growth Assistants (GAs) working full-time for Avantera. Chase is loving his GA team, the scalability of it, and how efficient it is on the cost side. He got his evenings (and weekends!) back. And now he can focus on the high- value tasks to grow Avantera further.

Numbers don’t lie. The 3 GAs are crushing Avantera’s customer support.

Long story short: Customers were happier. Issues (where is my order?!) were answered quickly. And the founders don’t have to stress about customer support anymore. Bottom line: Avantera is saving a lot of money by leveraging
global talent through GrowthAssistant.

Chase Novak
Co-Founder & COO
"GAs are motivated to work, communicate well, and always have a positive attitude. It's been a pleasant surprise."

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